2012. február 14., kedd

10 jobbnál jobb kifejezés a 'heart' szóval

Ha nem is a Valentin-nap örömére, sokkal inkább annak apropójából a mai nap olyan kifejezéseket nézünk meg, amelyekben szerepel a heart szó.

at heart - szíve mélyén
She still believes that people are truly good at heart.

by heart - kívülről (tudni)
I've dialled the number so many times that I know it by heart.

from the bottom of one's heart - őszintén
When I returned the lost kitty of Mrs. Potter, she thanked me from the bottom of her heart.

have a heart of gold - arany szíve van
Daisy is such a generous person. She has a heart of gold.

have a heart of stone - kőszívű
He was cruel to everyone; he had a heart of stone.

heart and soul - szívvel-lélekkel
They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.

your heart goes out to somebody - együttérzel valakivel
Our heart goes out to the families of the victims.

a change of heart - meggondolja magát
She was going to sell the house, but later she had a change of heart.

wear one's heart on one's sleeve - őszinte, nyíltszívű; ami a szívén, az a száján
He's not very open; he doesn't really wear his heart on his sleeve.

queen of hearts - kördáma

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