
2012. március 27., kedd

Szóbeli nyelvvizsga témakörök 3.: Family & Friends

A nyelvvizsgára és érettségire készülők jól tudják, hogy a vizsga szóbeli részére való felkészülés során körülbelül 15-20 olyan témakörrel kell megismerkedniük, amelyek a vizsgán beszélgetésképleírás vagy szituáció formájában fordulnak elő. Sokszor az a probléma, hogy a témaköröket túl általánosan adják meg (pl.: család, iskola, munka, utazás, tanulás, sport, hobbi, országismeret stb.), így sokan csak megtippelni tudják, hogy pontosan milyen témákban kell otthon lenniük a szóbeli nyelvvizsgán.

A témakörökre úgyis felkészülhetünk, ha van egy olyan kérdéssorunk, amely körbejárja a kisebb-nagyobb altémákat is, így a vizsgán nem érhet bennünket meglepetés. A múltkor az étkezési szokásokról (eating) és a szórakozásról (entertainment) volt szó, most a család és barátok (family & friends) témája következik.

Ezen az ábrán láthatjátok, hogy milyen altémák alkotják a family & friends kérdéskörét.


1. What is your first name / Christian name? Family name / surname?
2. When and where were you born? What is your date of birth?
3. Where are you from? What is your nationality?
4. What qualifications have you got?
5. What do you do for a living? What are you by profession?
6. What is your marital status?
7. What is your permanent (or temporary) residence? What is your postal address?
8. What can you tell me about your family?
9. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are you an only child? Which do you prefer: having brothers or sisters or being an only child? Why?
10. Do you have any grandparents? Did you use to visit them when you were a child?
11. Do you get on well with your brother(s)/sister(s)/parent(s)? Is there anybody in your family who you don’t get on well with?
12. Do you have a favourite family member? If yes, who is he/she?
13. Do you know your cousins/aunts/uncles well? How often do you meet them?
14. What does your family usually do together?
15. How would you define the term ’nuclear family’?
16. Do you think there are more single-parent families nowadays than some decades ago?
17. Do you agree that there are more and more divorces every year?
18. What kind of problems can come up in a marriage?
19. Do you approve of couples living together and having children without getting married?
20. What is the ideal time or age in your opinion to start a family?
21. Would you treat your children as equals?
22. What do middle-aged people find most irritating in teenagers? What do teenagers find most irritating in middle-aged people?
23. Do you think an ’ideal family’ exists? Why?
24. Who is your best friend? How long have you known him/her? Where did you first meet?
25. Why do you think you get on well with your best friend? Have you ever had an argument?
26. How often do you meet your friends?
27. Do you often keep in touch with your friends?
28. Have you ever lost touch with a friend?
29. Do you prefer having a lot of friends or only a few close friends?
30. Do you keep in touch with your colleagues outside work?
31. Do you keep in touch with your old classmates or co-workers?
32. Can you describe the appearance of someone you know? Give as many details as you can.
33. Do you think your appearance has changed a lot in the past ten years? If yes, how?
34. What physical features matter to you in judging a person, and what features do you consider less important?
35. Do you think that most people tend to judge character by appearance?
36. How would you decribe the character of your best friend? What positive and negative characteristics do they have?
37. What are the most important characteristics in a friend / in a partner?
38. Do you think these characteristics are positive, negative or neutral: ambitious, spoilt, affectionate, reliable?
39. Do you think these characteristics are positive, negative or neutral: cheerful, arrogant, hard-working, honest, tolerant?
40. How would you describe your personality?
41. In your opinion, what is the best and worst characteristic of your personality?
42. What are the main similarities and differences between you and your best friend?
43. What do you do in a typical day?
44. What do you usually do in the morning?
45. When do you start work / school? When do you finish?
46. What do you prefer doing after work / school?
47. What do you usually do in the evening?
48. What do you like doing at the weekend? How is it different from your weekdays?
49. Do you have much free time? Do you have enough time for yourself / family / friends?
50. Do you have any hobbies?
51. How do you try to relax? What freetime activities do you enjoy most?
52. What are the typical family celebrations in Hungary?
53. What is your favourite holiday? Why?
54. How do you usually celebrate your birthday / Christmas / New Year’s Eve?
55. Is there any particular celebration or holiday that you don’t like?
56. Do you think it’s important to keep traditions?
57. Do you enjoy family gatherings or do you tend to avoid them?
58. Do you think celebrations are important in your family’s life?

> A folytatásban: még több nyelvvizsga témakör, képleírás és szituáció 

> Korábbi nyelvvizsga témakörök: Eating, Entertainment 1., Entertainment 2.

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