
2012. május 4., péntek

Szóbeli nyelvvizsga témakörök 4.: Education

A nyelvvizsgára és érettségire készülők jól tudják, hogy a vizsga szóbeli részére való felkészülés során körülbelül 15-20 olyan témakörrel kell megismerkedniük, amelyek a vizsgán beszélgetés, képleírás vagy szituáció formájában fordulnak elő. Sokszor az a probléma, hogy a témaköröket túl általánosan adják meg (pl.: család, iskola, munka, utazás, tanulás, sport, hobbi, országismeret stb.), így sokan csak megtippelni tudják, hogy pontosan milyen témákban kell otthon lenniük a szóbeli nyelvvizsgán.

A vizsgára úgyis felkészülhetünk, ha van egy olyan kérdéssorunk, amely körbejárja a kisebb-nagyobb altémákat is, így a vizsgán nem érhet bennünket meglepetés. A múltkor az étkezési szokások (eating), a szórakozás (entertainment), a család és barátok () témája volt soron, most jön az education, azaz minden, ami a tanulással, oktatással és az iskolával kapcsolatos.
Ezen az ábrán láthatjátok, hogy milyen altémák alkothatják az education kérdéskörét.


  1. What kind of secondary school do / did you go to? Do / did you like it?
  2. How many pupils are / were there in each class?
  3. How much homework do / did you have?
  4. Is / was the discipline very strict? Do / did pupils behave well?
  5. Which subjects are / were you good and bad at? Which is / was your best and worst subject?
  6. What school kit did you need at primary school? What were in your school bag?
  7. What kind of equipment do you usually find in the classroom?
  8. What subjects did you have at primary school? What kind of things did you learn there?
  9. Do you remember your first teacher? Did you like him / her?
  10. What happens / happened if you are / were late for class? Are / were you punished?
  11. Do / did you often have to take oral or written tests at primary and secondary school?
  12. Do / did you get good or bad marks at school? Explain why.
  13. Have you ever cheated in a test? If yes, how? What happened?
  14. Have you ever skipped lessons at school? If yes, what happened?
  15. Have you ever taken up extracurricular activites at school? If yes, what was it? If no, why not?
  16. What makes a successful student? What makes an unsuccessful student?
  17. Which of the following factors is the most important at school: motivation, concentration, obedience, good behaviour or sociability? Give reasons.
  18. Which of the following characteristics has the worst effect on a student: laziness, sloppiness, bad behaviour, dishonesty or carelessness? Explain why.
  19. What makes a good teacher? What makes a bad teacher?
  20. What is an ideal teacher like?
  21. Who is / was your favourite teacher? Why do / did you like him / her?
  22. What do they do in the following places: language laboratory, canteen, library, secretary’s office, computer room, changing room and porter’s office?
  23. What is the difference between a head teacher and a form teacher?
  24. What kind of subjects do humanities involve?
  25. What kind of subjects can science involve?
  26. Explain the following expressions: boarding school, private school and public school.
  27. Explain the following expressions: nursery school, primary school, secondary school and university.
  28. Explain the following words: professor, lecturer and graduate.
  29. What are the stages of education in Hungary?
  30. Describe a Hungarian school tradition that you like or dislike.
  31. How do you usually feel before taking an exam? Are you nervous or relaxed? 
  32. How do you prepare for an exam or an important test?
  33. Describe your own education. What kind of schools have you attended?
  34. What qualifications do you have?
  35. Are you planning to learn something new in the future? If so, what is it?
  36. Do you agree that summer holidays are too long? Give reasons.
  37. Do you think that students had to learn more twenty years ago?
  38. What kind school problems do students often have?
  39. Why do you think it’s important to learn foreign languages?
  40. What is the most effective way of language learning?
  41. What is the best way to learn new grammar and vocabulary?
  42. How can you improve your English outside the classroom?
  43. How can you benefit from knowing a foreign langauge?

>> Minta képleírásokért, szituációkért és még több nyelvvizsga témakörért kattintsatok erre az oldalra.

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