
2012. április 11., szerda

Picture Description #4

A tegnapi családdal kapcsolatos képleírás most egy újabbal bővül, ezúttal a házi munka lesz a középpontban.

(Megjegyzés: Az itt olvasható szöveg, csak egy mintha képleírás, nem az egyedüli helyes megoldás. Természetesen másféleképpen is meg lehet közelíteni az adott témát, hiszen tartalmilag nincs jó vagy rossz válasz.  A lényeg, hogy minél bővebben, nyelvtanilag helyesen és választékosan fejezzétek ki a véleményeteket a kép(ek)ről.)

Housework - Who do you think should do it?
In my opinion, it's very important that people living together share housework regularly. There are a lot of household chores to do, for example cleaning the rooms, hoovering the carpets, dusting the furniture, taking out the garbage, doing the washing and the washing up and things like that. Obviously, one cannot be expected to do all these things alone, so family members and couples need to agree how they share the day-to-day duties. In order to avoid future quarrels, it's best to reach an agreement on this matter. 

I also think that men ought to find a way to help women more, and get involved in household chores on a daily basis. It's not only women who are responsible for taking care of domestic duties. Luckily, compared with older generations, nowadays men tend to accept the fact that they need to participate in these things

However, there's one more point that I believe is crucial. Children must learn from a very early age how to help around the house. This way they can avoid becoming spoilt, and learn to be responsible and organized; what's more, this way they appreciate other people's work too. 

Other questions to consider: How many household chores can you mention? How do you share housework in your family? What kind of housework do you like/hate doing? How often do you do housework?

> Tipp: további minta képleírások >> ezen az oldalon. 

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