
2012. március 8., csütörtök

Szóbeli nyelvvizsga témakörök 2.: Entertainment - Part 2

A mai lecke a tegnapi folytatása, amelyben a szórakozás témáján belül néztük meg, hogy miről lehet beszélni a szóbeli nyelvvizsgákon a televíziózási és rádiózási szokásokról, a filmekről és a zenéről. Most folytatjuk további három kérdéskörrel szintén a szórakozással kapcsolatban.


1. How often do you read? Do you think that people read less nowadays?
2. Can the Internet replace reading in your opinion? Why / why not?
3. What kind of books do you like reading? Do you have a favourite author?
4. Describe what kind of books you have at home.
5. Have you ever belonged to a library? What kind of books did you borrow?
6. Do you ever read daily newspapers, sports papers, local papers or magazines? If yes, what and how often?
7. Do you ever read novels, short stories, biographies or history books? If yes, what and how often?
8. Do you ever read classics, dramas or poetry? How often do you read them?
9. Do you ever read web pages, blogs, forums or song lyrics? If yes, what?
10. Do you ever read in English? Why / why not?
11. Do you read specifically to improve your English?
12. Do you enjoy reading on screen?
13. Do you read more or less than you used to?
14. If you read books: what was the last book you read? Why did you choose to read it?
15. If you read books: what are you reading at the moment?
16. If you read books: what's the best book you've read recently?
17. If you don't read books: why don't you read books? If you had more time, would you read more?
18. If you don't read books: did you use to read books when you were younger?
19. If you don't read books: what's your favourite way to relax?
20. Do you ever read tabloids? What's your opinion of them?


1. Do you ever go to the theatre? If yes, what was the last performance you saw? Did you like it?
2. Have you ever been to an open-air theatre? If yes, did you enjoy it?
3. Why do you think people go to the theatre?
4. What is the most important in a play: the directing, the actors, the costumes, the scenery or the story itself?
5. Do you think that people in Hungary often go to the theatre?
6. If you don't like going to the theatre, what kind of entertainment do you prefer?
7. Have you ever performed in public? What did you do? How did you feel?
8. Do you ever go to concerts? What kind of concerts do you enjoy going?
9. What was the last concert you went to? Where was it and who did you go with?
10. Do you think that going to a concert is a lot better than listening to a CD? Why?
11. In your opinion, is it expensive to go to concerts in Hungary?
12. Have you ever been to a music festival?
13. Would you like to go to a music festival? Do you think you'd like it?


1. How often do you go out? If you want to have fun, where do you usually go?
2. Do you enjoy going to restaurants with your family or friends? Why / why not?
3. Are you keen on going to pubs or bars?
4. What kind of entertainment do you usually choose if you want to relax?
5. What kind of entertainment do you usually choose if you need to stay at home?
6. What kind of entertainment do you usually choose with your family?
7. What kind of entertainment do you usually choose with your friends?
8. Do you have enough time to relax?
9. Do you ever go to the museum or art exhibitions?
10. Are there any good places to go in your town?
11. Is there a good nightlife in your town?
12. Where do people of your age usually go out?
13. Where do teenagers usually go out?
14. Can you spend some quality time with people you like being with?
15. Are you fond of going out or do you prefer staying at home?

A folytatásbanFamily & Friends

Korábbi nyelvvizsga témakörökEating, Entertainment 1.

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