
2012. március 7., szerda

Szóbeli nyelvvizsga témakörök 2.: Entertainment - Part 1

A nyelvvizsgára és érettségire készülők jól tudják, hogy a vizsga szóbeli részére való felkészülés során körülbelül 15-20 olyan témakörrel kell megismerkedniük, amelyek a vizsgán beszélgetésképleírás vagy szituáció formájában fordulnak elő. Sokszor az a probléma, hogy a témaköröket túl általánosan adják meg (pl.: család, iskola, munka, utazás, tanulás, sport, hobbi, országismeret stb.), így sokan csak megtippelni tudják, hogy pontosan milyen témákban kell otthon lenniük a szóbeli nyelvvizsgán.

A témakörökre úgyis felkészülhetünk, ha van egy olyan kérdéssorunk, amely körbejárja a kisebb-nagyobb altémákat is, így a vizsgán nem érhet bennünket meglepetés. A múltkor az étkezési szokásokról volt szó (eating), most a szórakozás (entertainment) következik. Terjedelmi okokból kifolyólag a kérdéssort két nagy részre bontottam. A második adag holnap lesz olvasható.
Ha az összes kérdésre tudtok válaszolni, akkor lehet örvendezni, ugyanis egy újabb nyelvvizsga téma kipipálva, viszont ha problémáitok vannak a megválaszolásukkal, akkor valószínű, hogy még bővítenetek kell a szórakozással kapcsolatos szókincseteket.


1. How often do you watch TV? Do you turn it on every day?
2. Which TV channels do you watch most? Why?
3. What kind of programmes on TV would you do your best not to miss?
4. What kind of programmes on TV would you probably enjoy if you happened to see it?
5. What kind of programmes on TV would you avoid seeing at all costs?
6. How many hours do you watch TV each day?
7. What's your favourite programme on TV? Why do you like it?
8. What's your favourite TV series? Why do you enjoy watching it?
9. Why do you think TV series have become very popular today?
10. Do you sometimes watch British or American TV channels? Why / why not?
11. Can you mention one or two well-known TV personalities in Hungary? Who are they? Do you like them?
12. What annoys you most about TV?
13. Do you think TV kills social life?
14. What's your attitude towards violence on TV? Does it influence people? How should it be controlled?
15. What's the difference between state and commercial TV channels?
16. Do you listen to the radio? If yes, how often?
17. Do you have favourite radio stations?
18. Does radio have advantages over TV? What are they, if any?
19. Do you prefer commercial radio stations or state stations? Why?
20. Do TV and radio commercials annoy you?


1. How often do you go to the cinema? Would you like to go more often?
2. What kind of films do you usually go to see in the cinema?
3. Which do you prefer: watching films on DVD or going to the cinema? Why?
4. Do you have a favourite film? Why do you like it?
5. Do you have favourite actors or directors? Why do you like them?
6. Are there any actors that you don't really like? If yes, why?
7. What's the best film you have seen recently?
8. What's the worst film you've seen this year?
9. Do you enjoy watching films in 3D? Why / why not?
10. Do you often read film reviews? Do they influence you?
11. Which one do you prefer: western films or dramas? Why?
12. Which one do you prefer: sci-fi or comedies? Why?
13. Which one do you prefer: crime or horror stories?
14. Are you fond of film adaptations? Which is usually better: the original book or the film?
15. Have you ever bought the soundtrack of a film? If yes, what was it?
16. Have you ever fallen asleep in the cinema? If yes, do you remember what film you were watching?
17. Have you ever cried in a film? If yes, what film was it?
18. Have you ever met a famous actor or actress? If yes, who did you meet?
19. Can you think of a film which made you laugh a lot?
20. Can you think of a film which made you feel good?
21. Can you think of a film which you've seen several times?
22. Do you prefer seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles?
23. Do you prefer European or American films?


1. How often do you listen to music?
2. What types of music do you enjoy listening to? is there any type of music that you hate?
3. How do you listen to music: on the radio, CD, MP3 or maybe YouTube?
4. Can you mention some musical instruments?
5. Do you play a musical instrument yourself?
6. How important is music in your life? Why?
7. Do you have a favourite band or singer? Why do you like them?
8. Do you remember the last CD you bought or downloaded?
9. Why do you think talent shows, such as X-factor, are very popular nowadays? Do you watch these programmes? Why / why not?
10. Do you think it's OK to download music from the Internet illegally?
11. Do you often read song lyrics on the Internet? Do you think they can help you improve your English?
12. Do you ever sing in the shower or in your car?

A folytatásbanEntertainment - Part 2. (theatre & concerts, reading, going out)

További nyelvvizsga témakörökEating, Family & Friends

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