
2012. január 6., péntek

Groundhog Day - Did you ever have deja vu Mrs. Lancaster?

Ha valaki még nem látta a Groundhog Day (Idétlen időkig) című filmet, akkor sürgősen pótolja. Az a típusú vígjáték, amit nem lehet megunni, még sokadjára is ugyanolyan vicces és szórakoztató, mint elsőre. Az abszurd történet adta lehetőségeket maximálisan  kihasználják az alkotók és a főszereplő, Bill Murray is. Igazi poénáradatban van részünk, olyan klasszikus beszólásokkal, amiket utána bátran lehet idézni.

A fenti videó a film bemutatója (vagy más szóval trailer). A szövegátiratot itt olvashatjátok, alatta pedig egy rövid szószedetet magyar jelentésekkel együtt.

"It's GROUNDHOG DAY!" "Aaha aahah!" "It's groundhog time." "A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat!"
Weatherman Phil Connors, he's spending the day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
 "Phil? Ned, Ned Ryerson, I did the whistling belly button trick at the high school talent show." "Bing." "BING!" 
But Phil's about to find out he's not just stuck in Punxsutawney,...  
"Will you be checking out today Mr. Connors?" "Chance of departure today 100%."
 ...he's stuck in Groundhog Day.
 "I'm reliving the same day over and over." "Phil?" "Ned Ryerson?" "Bing!" "Did you ever have DEJA VU Mrs. Lancaster?" "I don't think so. But, I could check with the kitchen." "Well, it's Groundhog Day, again." "... At first, he was a little ANXIOUS, ...
"Phil!" "Will you be checking out today Mr.Connors?" "I'd say the chance of departure is 80%."
... but now ... "We could do whatever we want."
 ... he discovering the POSSIBILITIES. ... "Don't you worry about CHOLESTEROL?" "Why?" ... and living life LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. 
"Phil? Phil Connors!" "Ned!" ... because there isn't.  
"I'm an IMMORTAL. I have been stabbed, shot, burned, frozen, electrocuted. I'm a god." "You're God?" "I'm a god, I'm not the God." "HE'S OUT OF HIS GOURD." 
But to get what his heart wants most... 
"What are you looking for Phil - a date for the weekend?" 
... means living this day over again til he gets it right.  
"Believe it or not, I studied 19th century French poetry." "Hah! What a waste of time!" "...I studied 19th century French poetry." ... [speaks French poetry] ... "You speak French!" "Oui. [Yes]." 
Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell 
"To the Groundhog!" "I always drink to world peace." "Well, what should we drink to?" "I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace." "Don't drive angry! Don't drive angry!" "Aaaah!" "He might be okay." "Yes!" "...Groundhog Day!" ... Life has a funny way of repeating itself. ... "What did you do today?!" "Oh, SAME O SAME O."

groundhog - mormota
belly button - köldök
departure - indulás
re-live - újra átél
over and over - újra meg újra
anxious - aggódó, gondterhelt
immortal - halhatatlan
stab - leszúr
get it right - jól csinál vmit
a waste of time - időpocsékolás

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