
2012. július 25., szerda

Picture Description #6

A szóbeli nyelvvizsgák és érettségik egyik meghatározó része a képleírás, illetve beszélgetés egy vagy több kép alapján. Ilyenkor az a feladatunk, hogy a fotó(k) alapján mondjuk el a véleményünket egy adott témáról. Beszélhetünk általánosságban vagy saját tapasztalatainkról, a lényeg, hogy minél bővebben tudjunk számot adni a szóban forgó témakörről és vele együtt a nyelvtudásunkról. Szóval nem csupán a képek leírásáról van szó, hanem arról is, hogy folyamatosan és nyelvtanilag helyesen tudjatok beszélni a kép(ek) által ábrázolt témáról. Ha véletlenül nincs ötletetek, akkor próbáljatok először a személyes élményeitekre, véleményetekre gondolni, így utána könnyebben tudtok általánosságban véleményt alkotni.

A következő képleírás az élőhely témájához kapcsolódik. A képek alapján össze kell hasonlítani a városi és a vidéki életet. Legkönnyebben úgy tudunk két, eltérő dologról beszélni, ha sorba vesszük az előnyöket és a hátrányokat, illetve a végén megemlíthetjük, hogy mi melyiket választanánk. 

A képleírásokhoz hasznos kifejezéseket ezen az oldalon találhattok.

Living in the city and living in the country

In the first picture, I can see a nice street which is probably situated in the residential district of a large city. There are many advantages of living in a city. First of all, city-dwellers enjoy a wide variety of cultural and entertainment facilities, which means that they can go to the cinema, to the theatre or to art galleries if they feel like going out. It's up to them where they want to go with their friends on a Friday evening: to a restaurant, a pub or a disco. In big cities, the nightlife is usually lively and exciting, so no wonder young people are fond of living in cities. Another advantage of being a city-dweller is that educational, medical and shopping facilities are also great, as a result of which people can have access to these services easily. It is also worth mentioning that in the city more job opportunities are available, and good public transport and the high level of public services also make people's lives easier and more convenient.

However, one must not forget that living in a big city has disadvantages as well. Usually cities are overcrowded, and there is too little green space. People often suffer from too much noise and high levels of stress. Since there are a lot of cars, which exhaust fumes, in many cases the air is heavily polluted. Traffic jams and delays are also frequent during the rush hours, which makes people even more stressed. A lot of cities, especially the capitals can be very dangerous because of the high crime rate

The second picture shows some houses in the countyside, which I think is very peaceful. Living in the country, far away from the busy city life has a lot of positive sides. Of course, it is quiet and relaxed, the air is clean and your are closer to nature. People tend to be much friendlier; what's more, communities are stronger, and not as isolated as in big cities. Life in general is a lot cheaper, and the atmosphere is more relaxing.

On the other hand, country life has drawbacks too. There is a world of difference between living in the city and in the country. The country is usually very slow, and nothing much happens there. If you are longing for excitement, it is not the place where you should go. The biggest problem is that there are few facilites, or you need to travel a lot if you you want to access these services. As public transport is poor, it can be quite difficult sometimes if you don't have a car. Employment opportunities are also worse: the wages tend to be lower, and there's a high rate of rural unemployment.

On the whole, city and country life have both advantages and disadvantages too. It is true that living in the country is much more relaxing, but  I prefer urban life because life seems more interesting there, and I can't resist the lure of the big city.

>> A szóbeli nyelvvizsgázók további képleírásokat és segédanyagokat itt találnak.

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